BCB 520 - Midterm Portfolio Post

Evaluating Awards and Grants: UI vs. Others

Grants and awards and bears, oh my!

Heidi Sellmann


March 11, 2024

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE, message=FALSE)


In this assignment I will be evaluating award/grant data from four federal sponsors: The National Science Foundation (NSF), The National Institutes of Health (NIH), The Department of Energy (DOE), and The US Department of Agriculture (USDA).


1. Department of Agriculture (NIFA) See the data dictionary here Figure 1. This includes agricultural related grants all the way from the early 2000s.

2. Department of Energy (DOE) The data dictionary for this extensive data set can be accessed here Figure 2. This data is not restricted to a particular award recipient.

3. National Institutes of Health (NIH) This data can be obtained from an Application Programming Interface (API). You can access this data’s dictionary here Figure 3. This is quite a large data set with information on awards (related to health sciences) recieved by BSU and U of I between 2013-2024. Of note, this is an example of heirarchal data- some cells appear to have no values in them becuase there are actually multiple variables within those cells.

4. National Science Foundation (NSF) The NSF also has an API, and the following code pulled down awards to the University of Idaho into a data frame called NSFtoUI. See the data dictionary here Figure 4. Briefly, this data set gives information on NSF grants awarded to the University of Idaho from 1975 to current day.


Provide a visualization that shows our active awards from each sponsor. I need to see their start date and end date, the amount of the award, and the name of the Principal Investigator. I’m really interested in seeing how far into the future our current portfolio will exist. Are there a bunch of awards about to expire? Are there a bunch that just got funded and will be active for a while? Does this vary across sponsors?

I am going to manipulate and make new data sets for all sponsors. Then I will combine them all and plot a summary figure.

Putting all the active awards from various sponsors together


Figure 3. This figure shows U of I PI last names and their active grants they have received as of 2017. The bars are colored by sponsor and the text amount signifies the amount they have received for said award. The USDA data is not included due to a lack of necessary variables. The strengths of this figure is that it displays, rather than over plots, PIs who have multiple awards. Limitations are that this figure only includes grants that have started in 2017 and on.


What is the proportional representation of new awards to the UI from these various sources over the past 5 to 10 years? Are there any trends that are encouraging or discouraging?

Putting all the sponsors together

Figure 5. This figure shows the approximate trends of new grants received by the University of Idaho from various sponsors in the last 10 years.

Limitations include that the USDA data set did not have specifications denoting whether the awards were new or continuing, therefore, I was only able to go off the award date for being in the last 10 years and had to make the assumption all were new. This is most likely not the case, so the orange line should be interpreted with caution. In general, the USDA actually seems to be on the decline, which would be concerning given the type of school the University of Idaho is. As for the DOE, it seems we are on the rise during the past couple years. The NSF seems to be steady at the moment. Meanwhile, the NIH data was interesting. Upon updating this document, grants considered “new” a week previously were not considered “new” anymore. Therefore, I just included all grants from the past 10 years. All in all, this is an interesting figure to address general trends within the last decade.


How is UI performing with these sponsors when compared to the following peer institutions: Boise State University, Idaho State University, Montana State University, University of Montana, and Washington State University?

Note that “performing” can mean a variety of different things. You must choose your metrics of performance and justify them.

I am going to use the API sources for this question (NIH and NSF) by manipulating the API addresses and then manipulating the data.

Combining NIH and NSF for neighboring schools

Figure 6. This figure shows the award amounts of the active grants of each institution (and their various locations) sponsored by the NIH (coral) and NSF (blue).

I used the measures of active awards and their relative amounts from these sponsors to address how the U of I compares to neighboring institutions. Although not complex, these performance attributes capture important metrics nonetheless.

The limitations of this figure are first and foremost that it only addresses grants from the NIH and NSF, not the USDA and DOE. I chose to do this out of sake for convenience. Also, for the NIH, this time I added the indirect and direct costs to compute the award amount (in Figure 1., I only used direct cost). Further, because of the discrepant data sources, some of the institutions have multiple locations also shown in this figure. Although I could agglomerate the data so each institution has one reference point, I actually think this may be insightful to see how the smaller institutions compare to the larger ones. In general, I could clean this figure up to look a little nicer.

All in all, from this figure, we can see the U of I compares well in the realm of NSF grants. This is not so much the case for the NIH grants.


In conclusion, this stuff is messy indeed! Throughout my three main visualizations, I found out what active grants the U of I has and how those compare across sponsors. I then expanded that information to compare specific sponsors to various other schools nearby. In general, we need more DOE and NIH work to be done. USDA and NSF are doing well, but we want to get back on the rise again (at least with the USDA).

I realized through this work that, as Barrie has alluded to, it indeed does take a lot of time going through these different data and finding what is similar/comparable and cleaning those aspects of the data in order to put visualizations together. Further, I learned the hard way that LESS IS MORE!

I think it would be interesting to continue to explore and see how the U of I compares to other institutions with the other sponsors, and I wonder how data scientists wrap their heads around all these details!


Data Dictionary

Attribute Description Type
Award Date Date when award was granted Ordinal
Grant Number Unique ID for each grant Item
Proposal Number N/A for all NA
Grant Title N/A for all NA
State Name State of award (all = IDAHO) Categorical
Grantee Name Tells who received the grant (all = U of I) Categorical
Award Dollars Award amount Quantitative
Program Name Name of program grant will be used for (some are N/A) Categorical
Program Area Name Name of program (some have N/A) Categorical
Figure 1: USDAtoUI Data Dictionary
Attribute Description Type…3 …4 …5 …6 Type…7
Award Number ID of award Item NA NA NA Ordinal
Title Title of award Item NA NA NA Item
Institution Organization to whom award was granted. Some are universities, but others are companies and laboratories (many are included, not just U of I) Item NA NA NA Ordinal
City City of that organization (many- not restricted to Moscow) Item NA NA NA Ordinal
State State of that organization (many, not restricted to ID) Item NA NA NA Ordinal
Zip Code Zipcode of that organization Item NA NA NA Quantitative
PI Principle Investigator to whom award was granted Item NA NA NA Quantitative
Status Tells if award is ongoing or not (seems that only active/current awards are included in this data set) Categorical NA NA NA Categorical
Action Type Tells if the award is new or a renewal Categorical NA NA NA Item
Org Code Unique code for the award Item NA NA NA Ordinal
SBIR/STTR Tells if the awards are SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) or STTR (Small Business Technology Transfer) programs. Neither = N/A Categorical NA NA NA Quantitative
Program Office Tells what DOE program office oversees the award Categorical NA NA NA NA
Award Type Tells type of award (grant, interagency agreement, cooperative agreement) Categorical NA NA NA NA
PM Project Manager (appear to be different people than PI) Item NA NA NA NA
Start Date Award start date Ordinal NA NA NA NA
End Date Award end date Ordinal NA NA NA NA
SBIR Phase If applicable, phase of SBIR Categorical NA NA NA NA
Most Recent Award Date Date of most recent award Ordinal NA NA NA NA
Amount Awarded to Date Money given as of most recent award date Quantitative NA NA NA NA
Amount Awarded this FY Amount awarded this fiscal year NA NA NA NA NA
Program Area What type of program the award will be used towards Item NA NA NA NA
Register Number Unique code for the award Item NA NA NA NA
UEI Unique code for the award Item NA NA NA NA
DUNS Unique code for the award Item NA NA NA NA
Institution Type Type of institution that has received the award Categorical NA NA NA NA
Abstract Abstract of what award is proposed to be used for Item NA NA NA NA
Figure 2: DOE Data Dictionary
Attribute Description Type
appl id Unique ID Item
subproject id Some awards have subproject unique ID values Item
fiscal year Year of award Ordinal
project num Project number (seems to be a grouping variable) Categorical
project serial num Project number (seems to be a grouping variable) Categorical
award type Type of award (1, 2, 3, 4, 4N, 5) Categorical
activity code Code for award Categorical
award amount Amount alloted for award Quantitative
is active Tells whether the award is ongoing or not (TRUE/FALSE) Categorical
principal investigators No values NA
contact pi name Names of PIs Item
program officers No values NA
agency ic fundings No values/unsure NA
cong dist Appears to be a subset of code for awards Categorical
spending categories No values NA
project start date Start date Ordinal
project end date End date Ordinal
opportunity number Appears to be a subset of code for awards Categorical
award notice date Date of notification of award Ordinal
is new Tells whether the award is new or not (TRUE/FALSE) Categorical
mechanism code dc Code for mechanism Categorical
core project num ID for award Item
terms Keywords grant proposes to address with award Item
pref terms Preferred keywords Item
abstract text Abstract Item
project title Title of project Item
phr text Some awards have project narrative text Item
spending categories desc Some awards have spending categories Item
agency code All = NIH Categorical
covid response No values/unsure NA
arra funded All = N Categorical
budget start Start date of budget Ordinal
budget end End date of budget Ordinal
cfda code Number assigned in the awarding document funded by the Federal government (similar to NSF) Item
funding mechanism Mechanism for funding (similar to DOE) Categorical
direct cost amt Cost directly of award Quantitative
indirect cost amt Cost indirectly of award Quantitative
project detail url Website of project details Item
date added Date award added Ordinal
organization org name Organization of awardee (either U of I or BSU) Categorical
organization city No values/unsure NA
organization country No values/unsure NA
organization org city City of University (either Moscow or Boise) Categorical
organization org country Country = USA Categorical
organization org state State = ID Categorical
organization org state name No values NA
organization dept type Department type being awarded (some have) Categorical
organization fips country code No values NA
organization org duns No values NA
organization org ueis No values NA
organization primary duns Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
organization primary uei Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
organization org fips All = US Categorical
organization org ipf code Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
organization org zipcode Zipcode of organization Categorical
organization external org id Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
project num split appl type code Seems to be values 1-10 Categorical
project num split activity code Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
project num split ic code Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
project num split serial num Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
project num split support year Not sure Categorical
project num split full support year Similar to previous Categorical
project num split suffix code Not sure (only some values have) Categorical
agency ic admin code Appears to be the same as project_num_split.ic_code Categorical
agency ic admin abbreviation Some sort of abbreviation Categorical
agency ic admin name Agency name (health related) Categorical
organization type name Type of organization Categorical
organization type code All = 10 Categorical
organization type is other Extends organization type (TRUE/FALSE) Categorical
full study section srg code Seems to be some grouping variable Categorical
full study section srg flex Unsure (only some values have) Categorical
full study section sra designator code Some sort of grouping variable code Categorical
full study section sra flex code Unsure (some have letters, some numbers) Categorical
full study section group code Some sort of grouping code Categorical
full study section name Section name Categorical
Figure 3: project_df Data Dictionary
Attribute Description Type
abstractText Text of abstract Item
agency Agency awarding (for all = NSF) Categorical
awardAgencyCode All NSF codes appear to be 4900 Categorical
awardeeAddress Address of awardee (all of these = U of I) Item
awardeeCity City of awardee Item
awardeeCountryCode Country of awardee Item
awardeeDistrictCode District code of awardee (all = ID01) Categorical
awardeeName Name of awardee (all = Regents of U of I) Item
awardeeStateCode State of awardee Item
awardeeZipCode Zip code of awardee Item
cfdaNumber Number assigned in the awarding document funded by the Federal government Item
coPDPI Unsure/no values NA
ueiNumber Code given to U of I awards (all are the same in this data set) Item
estimatedTotalAmt Estimated total amount of award Quantitative
fundsObligatedAmt Amount NSF is obligated to give Quantitative
fundAgencyCode Same code as above awardAgencyCode Categorical
fundProgramName Various program names Item
id Unique ID for each award Item
parentUeiNumber Unsure/no values NA
pdPIName Principle Investigator Item
perfAddress Preferred address of awardee (most are U of I, some elsewhere) Item
perfCity Preferred city Item
perfCountryCode Preferred country code Item
perfDistrictCode Preferred discrict code Item
perfLocation Preferred location (some prefer elsewhere- like Idaho Falls) Item
perfStateCode Preferred state code Item
perfZipCode Preferred zip code Item
piEmail Email of PI Item
piFirstName First name of PI Item
piLastName Last name of PI Item
piMiddeInitial Middle initial of PI Item
poEmail Email of Program Officer Item
poName Name of Program Officer Item
poPhone Phone of PO Item
primaryProgram Unsure/no values NA
date Current data? Ordinal
startDate Start date of award Ordinal
expDate End data of award Ordinal
title Title of award Item
transType Type of grant (continuing, standard, fellowship…) Categorical
awardee Again, here = regents of U of I for all Item
publicationResearch Unsure/no values NA
projectOutComesReport Some have a snippet on the findings thus far Item
Figure 4: NSF to UI Data Dictionary